In my original post, I presented an Arduino sketch that could output PWM on any digital pin. It occurred to me spontaneously that the code was horribly inefficient, both in size and execution. So I've refactored the code a bit, and now it appears to work at least as well as the built in PWM functions.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
PWM on Any Digital Pin on Arduino
I recently got an Arduino to play around with. It's been a few years since I've done some electronics hacking, and I wanted to get back into the hobby. There are tons of low cost embedded microcontrollers to play with these days, compared to when I was back in college, so I decided to give the Arduino a try. My first experiment was to emit PWM signals on any of the digital output pins.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sub'r Bowl Review: Subway
The Sub'r Bowl contender this week is the most well known but least anticipated Subway, the king of Division A and, well, just about every sandwich shop in existence. With more than 33,000 stores, that's now more locations than McDonalds!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sub'r Bowl Review: Ray's Pizzaria
This week's challenger is an alternate that's stepped up to be first in the Pizza Shop division: Ray's Pizzaria (sic, herein referred to as simply "Ray's," because the misspelling of pizzeria makes my spell checker and baby Jesus cry). Ray's is previously the Blanco location of Goomba's Pizzeria (correctly spelled) but is supposedly run by the same people. I don't really know what that means, since there is a specific owner of Goomba's, but this is a review of a sandwich, not restaurant history.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sub'r Bowl Review: Earl of Sandwich
My second review for the SUB'r Bowl is the Earl of Sandwich. It's in the National Chain Restaurant, Under 1000 Locations division.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Sub'r Bowl Review: R&B's Taste of Chicago
This is my first review for our little "SUB'r Bowl" we're playing at work. Each week we try a different sub shop from one of 16 sub places, broken up into 4 "divisions" and 2 "conferences." The first place we tried was R&B's Taste of Chicago.
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